Tuesday, February 19, 2013

SHINee (シャイニー) - 1000 nen, Zutto Soba ni Ite... (1000年、ずっとそばにいて・・・)

A few days ago I decided that it might be interested to have a look at what other people thought I should review, therefore I posted a poll on Facebook with a number of suggestions along with the option for them to add some songs themselves. It turned out that SHINee managed to smash all the competition. Initially I had put off reviewing this song because of two reasons: it is a japanese song and I revert to a squealing lump of goo whenever I listen to this song. But seeing that there are so many besides myself that would like to see me review this song I will no longer deny myself the pleasure of reviewing my favorite Kpop group. Be prepared for a possibly very biased review.

Now when it comes to SHINee releasing a Japanese single I have split feelings. There is the obvious reason that they are no native speakers of the language resulting in an accent but I am nowhere knowledgeable enough of the language to notice and even if I were I would probably find it cute like I do whenever they try to sing in English. No, my major issue is the enormous lack of promotion. Even though according to my knowledge the song faired quite well on the Oricon charts it is close to impossible to find live performances of their Japanese singles, at the moment I  have only seen one for each while by this time with sherlock I didn't have enough hands to count them. Still though I like the fact that we're actually provided with the instrumental which seems to be rather rare with Korean songs and come on... This song is just gorgeous!

Even though I absolutely adore SHINee, sometimes it takes me a while to warm up to some of their songs, with this one that wasn't the case though. From the very beginning of this song I was immediately caught and my love of it didn't diminish over time. In this song they get great opportunities to show off what they can do with their voices in an amazing way. This does have the sad consequence that there is no choreography though, which is a little sad with a group that is so known for their dancing. Luckily enough the amazing story line and visuals make up for this.

The story is about a man (who's name turns out to be Miura Kenji), his wife and his son with appearances of SHINee here and there.

(Beware, many screenshots lay ahead)

Oh my gosh! Here we go!

Oooh~ Some guy playing with his ball~

Interesting suitcases, though they seem to be a tad worn~

What time is it? SHINee time!

Rough translation: Before I leave...

Top hat! Top hat! I friggin love top hats!

Stupid guy (totally not Taemin), it's not raining! Put away that umbrella!

Rough translation: ...I want to tell you how I feel.

It's SHINee!!! And they are once again in old-school English clothing! Hnnng, I love it when they do that.

Taemin: "Is that a bus?"

Yes, Taemin, that is a bus. Great observation skills you have there!

Onew: "G'day old lad."

I can't even... <3

Onew: "Hey Jonghyun, look over there. It seems like something is not right."
Jonghyun: "Yeah, I think so too..."

Let's consult Key's enormous book for more information.

Hmm, so one of these people are supposed to get on the bus?

Oh look, it's the same picture.

Aww, this little fellow is in the hospital. I hope he is okay!

5 black cats. Could that possibly be *dun dun duuuun* SHINee?

Oh dear... is this about the little fellow?

Not so good news huh? I wonder what is wrong with his lungs.

SHINee is also upset, though Onew can't help making a derpy face.

Kenji: "Look at my face! Don't I look stupid? Hahaha"

Little fellow: 'Not amused...'

Kenji: 'So you're off to the operation table... Good luck little fellow.'

SHINee is watching over you

Kenji: 'My family is going through such a rough time but all I can do is stand here and watch them...'

We feel your pain... but we can't wait forever.

Dreams and memories of the past, when everything was fine.

Kenji: "Please, let me stay a little longer! I can't leave them like this, I just can't!"

Fine, we'll wait, but don't take too long.

Kenji: 'This box is my last chance... I don't know what is inside it, but I hope that it will help.'

Little fellow: "Mom! Mom! Look outside!"


Key: "Balloons? I friggin love balloons!"
Jonghyun: "I know something else you love."

Kenji: 'So that is what was inside... And it worked! The little fellow finally laughed.'

Time to admire Minho being his gorgeous self.

Kenji: "Sorry for making you wait, I'm ready to go now."

So what else is in Key's magic book?

An article about Miura Kenji, his body was found behind the tent of Joyce Circus while there was a fire. 

Moustache man: "And that is how it is, goodbye now."

Our heart is with you, Miura Kenji.

Kenji: 'Well, here I go. Off to a new adventure.'

Okay what is going on here? Suddenly they have glowing orbs in front of their chests? This is the one part of the video I don't understand... It looks good though, SHINee always looks good.

Kenji: "Bye guys, thanks for all the help."

Taemin: 'Brofist man...'

Taemin: "Now let me tell you guys something, a brofist is a very meaningful and touching gesture."

Onew: "It is a gesture that conveys the deepest emotions."

Key: "Emotions so deep that they sometimes make me cry."

Jonghyun: "I'm a fish."

Little fellow: 'Brofist dad!'

Kenji: 'Brofist little fellow.'

Onew: 'Does Taemin realize that he looks kinda silly standing there like that?'
Jonghyun: 'Hehehehe, Taemin looks stupid.'
Key: 'Oh Taemin, so silly yet so cute.'
Minho: 'Jup... that's the weird guy that I love...'
Taemin: 'Brofist man...'

Oh well, might as well look silly together~

Triple brofist~

Off to Hogwarts we goooooooo~

Every time I do one of these reviews I am surprised how a story line that I don't get at all in the first place becomes so obvious and logical after watching it again and again. The same happened to this one. In this video SHINee seem to be the guides for those who have to leave for the next world. Every once in a while there is a bus that takes those who have passed away to that place and it's up to SHINee to make sure that everyone is there. This time it turns out that there is man who hasn't shown up: Miura Kenji. Therefore it's up to SHINee to go fetch him. When they find him though he seems to be watching over his wife and his son who is in a hospital due to issues with his lungs which were possibly caused by the same fire as the one during which Kenji was found. Kenji decides that before he leaves he wants to see his son smile at least one more time and tries different things to make it happen. His attempt at miming immediately get's shot down so he sets out to do something else, only to walk into SHINee who tell him it's time to go. Kenji persists though and gets one last chance to make his son smile. He manages to do so as he opens up a box which causes a flood of balloons to go through the hospital. After this he shows up at the bus stop having managed to fulfill his dying wish and goes off onto his next adventure.

I really love watching this music video. The story is sweet, though a bit sad, SHINee looks amazing, though Taemin is acting a little silly and the scenes are all portrayed in an amazing way. 


  1. Actually, generally, I'd say SHINee's pronunciation is pretty good. Better than some other K-Pop groups, anyway.

    Also "I'm a fish."
    Ah, Jjong, that was beautiful ;w;

  2. Never been interested in SHINee's Japanese stuff but it is nice. Still prefer their Korean material more.
